History of Dow Jones
Portfolio Management Jon Walker Portfolio Management Jon Walker

History of Dow Jones

The Dow Jones closes at an all time high.

Did you know?

The index was created back in 1896 by Charles Dow and Edward Jones in order to track the performance of the industrial economy. Dow was a journalist and co-founder of the WSJ and Jones was a statistician.

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avoiding conformity
Investment Decision-Making Jon Walker Investment Decision-Making Jon Walker

avoiding conformity

“If everyone’s jumping on the bandwagon, I’d rather build my own wagon. It might have square wheels, but at least it’s original!”

Contrarian thinking is hard to do. It is uncomfortable. It’s much easier to follow the crowd and not stand out. Psychologically we are not wired to accept we are wrong and therefore being part of the group allows us to take comfort in being wrong with others. The contrarian has to take the opposite view and know they are leaving themselves open to, at best, criticism and at worst, ridicule.

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private market tomatoes
Portfolio Management Jon Walker Portfolio Management Jon Walker

private market tomatoes

I did a post not so long ago trying to help shed some light on the terminology commonly used in the investment industry. The last post was about call options and the feedback I got was positive, especially from younger people starting their investment journey.

Over the last 5 years the interest in private markets has skyrocketed and therefore we need to ensure we are up to speed with how this market works, the terms used and how they play a part in portfolio management.

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