how to time a meeting
What is the optimal time/day to book in a meeting?
Researchers at the firm YouCanBookMe (link below) found that 2.30pm on Tuesday afternoon is the best. Their research covered 2 million responses to 530,000 meeting requests.
Days to avoid are Mondays and Fridays. The worst time to book a meeting in is for Monday at 9am! Lynn Taylor, author of 'Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job', argues that employees are the most productive on Monday mornings, so it’s important not to disrupt their concentration by distracting them with meetings.
There is a whole industry of people more qualified than me to talk about meeting etiquette and how to make them more productive so I will step away from this one for now and let Andy Bounds take it from here...