call options
Portfolio Management Jon Walker Portfolio Management Jon Walker

call options

Over the last few weeks I have had a number of people connect with me and reach out to discuss their career and if I can help with next steps. Although it's quite flattering that people think my opinion is worthwhile (I will always respond and always be honest in my assessment), I thought it might be useful to give some basics of investment/portfolio management as useful content in the spirit of helping shed more light on our (investment community) terminology for aspiring investors.

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buy low, sell high
Investment Decision-Making Jon Walker Investment Decision-Making Jon Walker

buy low, sell high

The "Buy low, sell high" paradigm in investment is predicated on the ability to "time" the market. Everyone wants to say that they bought a stock at the lows and rode it all the way to the highs before cashing out. Newsflash, it's virtually impossible to do. Also, trying to time the market can be extremely painful for investors.

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