Who remembers 1986?
Portfolio Management Jon Walker Portfolio Management Jon Walker

Who remembers 1986?

I particularly like this table below from Schroders showing the effect of missing out on the 'best days'.

£1,000 invested in 1986 in the FTSE 100 would have grown to £17,323 (total return). If you missed the best 30 days, that growth collapses to just £3,461 (which would be less given the trading costs of missing those days too!)

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pizza night
Investment Decision-Making Jon Walker Investment Decision-Making Jon Walker

pizza night

I've recently been talking with colleagues about optimal team size and particularly in the area of investment decision making. How many people should you have on an effective investment committee? Jeff Bezos famously said “If you can’t feed a team with two large pizzas, it’s too large.”

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