Th_ st_ck m_rket's v_latility c_ntinu_s to c_use _ncertainty f_r invest_rs.
Worked it out? Sure you have. Your brain is amazing.
Even with letters missing your brain is using top down processing and pattern recognition to fill in the blanks. This phenomenon is called 'Typoglycemia'. Despite missing or scrambled letters, our brains use contextual cues, grammar, and word patterns to fill in the gaps and interpret the intended meaning. This process involves the brain's linguistic and semantic networks (processing language/grammar), which quickly analyse the familiar structure of words and predict the most likely interpretation based on surrounding context.
In the complex world of investment, we need to make sense of words, therefore we often rely on context, prior knowledge, and critical thinking skills to decipher the truth amid a sea of misleading or incomplete information.
To help combat typoglycemia we need to try and slow down and seek extra caution when dealing with important documents/analysis. I have two tips:
1. When you get an email and you want to reply straight away, write it and save in drafts and walk away. When you return and re-read, if you still want to send then go ahead.
2. Fact check the sources of the information you are consuming. Social media is awash was opinion wrapped as truth. We have tools at our disposal to be able to cross check data before deciding on an action to proceed.