Income investing
Income investing continues to be an important factor to consider when building a portfolio.

Who remembers 1986?
I particularly like this table below from Schroders showing the effect of missing out on the 'best days'.
£1,000 invested in 1986 in the FTSE 100 would have grown to £17,323 (total return). If you missed the best 30 days, that growth collapses to just £3,461 (which would be less given the trading costs of missing those days too!)

end of the tax year
Julius Caesar lived over two millennia ago, but still influences our everyday. No I am not talking about the overpriced (but delicious) salads 🥗 , I am talking about the calendar 📆.

2024 is an election year…
2024 is going to be a noisy year for investors but one line that will undoubtedly be thrown out will be the expected performance of the S&P in an election year.

Staying invested
Over the last 12 months we have been doing work and raising the awareness of investors staying invested through the cycle.

Asset class returns
As we approach year end it is important to reflect on what has worked vs what hasn't.

Ratio: US Small caps to us large caps
The magnitude of the underperformance in US small caps vs. large caps is stark. Now at their lowest point since Jan 2001. Is there a chance of reversion to the mean or is there something more structural going on?